Monday, July 23, 2012

Nonstop Weekend

So at the end of last week I was wasted and stressed. I had basically broken and was at the point of the g-tube term bringing relief. However, it is a new week. On Friday our occupational therapist was back, and to say it nicely she was appalled at Riley's tactics. She hasn't seen Luke in a month due to her vacation. When she left he was eating fine, just not a lot of calories and did not know anything about our visit to Riley. She agreed with me that know Luke is so afraid of eating due to the shoving food at him idea. She has vowed to work with Luke as much as possible to make him comfortable again. She is coming up from Ft. Wayne weekly now even on her own time. Also she is bringing items to try. She thinks he is getting overwhelmed and can't control the suck, swallow, breath method. So we are now slowing the eating process. I also called Riley just to let them know what is going on and they said we are just going to watch him till his appointment at the end of August. We are just making sure Luke doesn't get dehydrated. This weekend Luke was busy. His Aunt Julea got married and he was the ring security, his official title. It was quite warm, but he did well. Luke also made his Elkhart county 4-H debut. It was great weather also, not too hot. Jonathin and I took him to the animal barns and the project building. We think that we have his ten years planned for him. No doubt about it, Luke will have goat for sure. Jonathin would also like to try some beef steers....we will have to see about that. There are plenty of projects to do also. We both told him he needs to grow soon, cause were ready to be 4-H parents. I guess that's what you get when you have two ten year members as your parents. It was just nice to go this year since we didn't get to go last year. Hopefully we can get back at least once more this week. The fair food must have gotten to Luke though. When we got home from the fair we found out that Luke didn't just have one tooth coming through, but 3 right in a row. He had a fever and wasn't feeling the greatest on Saturday, but he seems like maybe worse is over now. Jordan

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