Friday, August 3, 2012

Weight Check...Check!

If you follow me on facebook you know that Luke has been going crazy with his new bottles. We went Wednesday for another weight check. He has been taking his new bottles for 4 days or so. We were still using 4 ounces or so each bottle. Which even that amount is a lot to what he was taking. Luke weighed in at 15 pounds and 2 ounces. He went up 3 ounces. It might not seem like a lot, but it is steady and not extreme. It is no where near the pound and a half they would like us to reach by this coming Wednesday, but I feel like it is safer for Luke to gain like this. If he can keep this up, I will fight the g-tube placement unless we falter again. However, right now it isn't in the cards. He is taking at least 24 ounces a day, and yesterday he took 33 ounces. He is taking 8 ounces bottles, that's new. We are not using Miralax and he is so much more comfortable. I am fighting the urge to weigh him at home, I just want to wait till next Wednesday and see if he surprises me.

Laura, our OT, came for a visit yesterday and should couldn't believe the difference in Luke. His face is fuller and he was so happy and moving all around. She was so happy with his progress. Hopefully we can keep it up.

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