Monday, July 9, 2012

Feeding Therapy Day 1

Well, we are here. Luke and I got to his room around 10:30am this morning. The room is actually right next to the room we did our parent care in 10 months ago. So we get to look at the same wall as before. So far we have talked to a nurse practitioner and 3 doctors. Luke is now on a feeding schedule that mimics his NICU schedule. Every 3 hours we try a bottle of Boost first, then move to baby food, then to cereal made with Boost. We are apparently trying to plump him up while we are here. So far he doesn't mind it, other than the bottle being shoved in his face. He just isn't a fan. However, the G word has already been brought up....G-Tube! I have been asked my thoughts and feelings about it. I can say I am not against it, I just want to exhaust all options first. So far he has been great, napping and talking all the time. They are talking about therapy coming in and working with him also. They are very happy with his take to solid food and how he handles a spoon. They really want to look at his fluid intake though. I don't want to sound like a cheap person, but the idea that food and diapers are available whenever is fantastic. I know I am not the only parent that would say that. It is just a little help for a week, because the $30 a week just in Pediasure can take a slight toll. It doesn't sound like much, but it is the only fluids Luke will take at this point. Hopefully our day and night will continue like it is right now. Will keep you updated.


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