Thursday, July 12, 2012

Feeding Therapy Day 3

Well, today wasn't as great as the day before. Luke has finally realized the plan here and he isn't having it. He has discovered that if he doesn't take a bottle, which most of the time he throws his body away from it, he will have to take mushy cereal. I feel bad for the baby, because I couldn't eat that stuff every 3 hours. I have resorted to covering it with lots of baby food to surprise him with it. Also, I have discovered that if I place the high chair in front of the television set and keep him distracted I can sneak attack some bites. But even then the poor baby is full. I have lost my happy bird baby that loved to eat on his own time. Now I have Sluggo the baby. If he isn't eating he is sleeping. I can usually get about 30 minutes of play time with him between feeds. No to mention that the poor child is like an air freshener for all things vanilla. He has had so much vanilla Boost since Monday that it is excreting fumes out ever orifice. However, even with the stinky baby in tow we ventured to the NICU today to visit. We were able to see Liz, Lauren, and Jill. They all think he looks great and when Jill held him she thought he felt heavy. But what can I say, they're used to the tiny little people that Luke used to be. It was good seeing them again. They were my entertainment and family for 3 months. It feels a little odd going back over, but nice. We were also able to go back tonight and see Kaylene. Here I am so tired, but all I remember is spending late nights over there with here and the rest of the crew just trying to relax. How going home changes you.  Oh so let's get back to Luke.

At 7am Wednesday the nurses weighed Luke. The day before he was 6.60 Kg. I know what you are thinking, ugg back to kilograms, yep me too. So I took to google to convert since I was no longer given the chart like at the NICU. That converts to 14.5 pounds. Today Luke weighed in a 6.636 Kg which is actually 14.62 pounds. So Luke went up an ounce or so, which is our goal. I really felt like I was back in the NICU as I watch the numbers raise. I had to have a little laugh in the beginning because here he started at just 0.640 Kg at birth. So the doctors were happy with his weight gain and acted like we would go home Thursday, and maybe even today. However, then they did more talking apparently and they want us to stay till Friday to watch his trend. They also want to draw Luke's electrolytes on Thursday morning just to check them. I'm pretty sure he will just bleed vanilla flavored Boost.

This is now where we sit. It is 5:30am and Luke just had his blood draw. I was worried, just because of time's past. However, he took it like a champ and pretty much slept through the entire thing. Now is a different story. He is laying in bed just a talking and playing so I figured I would update since I didn't last night. Hopefully he will get some sleep before another big weigh in and the feeding time starts again. I'm just hoping we are starting to stretch that little belly out, because that is the only way this is going to work.


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