Tuesday, November 1, 2011

More Tomorrow

We have had a long couple days. Luke has to be the gassiest baby in town and it is making him miserable. Last night we didn't get to bed till around 1 am and then we were back up around 3:30 am. His little tummy has been making some fun noises and he has been making his daddy proud. So this has left one sleepy mom that is getting to a run down point. I don't know if his fussiness is a preemie thing or just a Luke thing, but WOW. I'm ready for a full night of sleep, so I'll be waiting for the next 10 years till that day gets here.
Tomorrow we go back to figure out more on Luke's hearing. We see the ear, nose, and throat doctor. He is going to look at Luke's physical ears and will sign off on the hearing aids so we can move forward with thing. Updates to come on all of this.

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