Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Real Snow

The snow outside has put me in a mood to finally update the blog. Sorry it has been a week. We had a great Thanksgiving. I hate to say it, but it was nice to have an entire day with other people here to entertain Luke. I don't think I changed one diaper after everyone got here. Not to mention, Luke slept really well that night. Maybe he snuck some turkey too.

We didn't do any black Friday shopping, however we did go get our tree. It took FOREVER for us to find the one for us. It looks good to everyone else, the jury is still out with me. I also was able to get out that evening with my mom and aunt. I was finally able to see Breaking Dawn. If you know me, you understand how big of a deal it was. This was the first time I wasn't at the midnight showing. I can say this one is the best one yet.

Saturday, Jonathin and I had a little bit of a date night. My parents bought us Jeff Dunham tickets for Christmas along with dinner out in Indy. It felt so odd being in Indy without Luke in the hospital. The show was hilarious. We didn't get home till around 2am, but Luke understood. Between taking bottles he slept till noon right along with us. He must have had a pretty exciting day with Gammy and Gampa.

This week so far has been pretty unexciting. Tomorrow, however, we are headed back to the hospital for Luke's CT scan. It is for the hearing doctors. They want to see Luke's anatomy just to check on things as we move towards the hearing aids. Hopefully this process doesn't take too long.

Hopefully tomorrow I can post some pictures and update you on how the CT goes. Sorry for the quick update.


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