Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Do We Continue?

Today Luke had his second hearing exam in South Bend. This time we saw the ear, nose, and throat doctor. Dr. Campbell reviewed Luke's hearing test from last week and concurred with the audiologist. Luke can hear, but won't be able to communicate correctly without the help of hearing aids. He added the wonders on how to work with Luke now in the future. The choices are sign language some and vocal, complete vocal communication, or vocal with lip reading. I think after weighing our options vocal and lip reading sounds like the best idea for us. They say his hearing will most likely decrease throughout his life, so if we start early enough it will help later on. I know that lip reading can work, that is how my brother hears a lot of the time. He too is hard of hearing from a very young age. So as of right now, that is where we are. We haven't nailed down his hearing aids as of now. We are waiting to move forward with the First Steps program. However, the doctors today think they have nailed down the cause of his hearing loss. Due to Luke's severe infection that he had during the first week of his life, the antibiotics that were used can be ototoxic. This means that they can cause hearing issues as a side effect. He received such a large amount that is the general idea of the cause of his hearing loss. However, I can say I wouldn't do anything different. The choice was save his life, or allow him to have "normal" question on that decision.

Just a side note...I have commented on other blogs I have been following lately and I would just like to pass on some news. The Bennion family are from Montana and have been blogging about their micro preemie son since his birth over two years ago. I have been able to catch up with them the past few weeks and I am in awe of how well they have handled things. Well they have some big news...they are working towards writing a book about their life through and after Jack's NICU stay. I am so excited for them. I am also a big believer that this book would be wonderful for any NICU preemie parent. They however need some help to move the book along. If you feel interested in reading the first 3 chapters here is the link, You Don't Know Jack!



  1. First of all, thank you! For the kind words about our book and for passing along the link to the book website. We are really excited to see where it takes us! Second... about hearing. I have always felt like we needed to check Jack's hearing again. He only had that initial hearing test before leaving the NICU and since he is having a difficult time with communication, part of me wonders if we need to check out hearing again. Anyway, reading your post reminded me about that. It seems like our to-do list can be overwhelming at times... but I just need to get it done!!

  2. Hey, thanks for keeping everyone updated! I know you have a lot going on and I'm sure posting on Luke isn't always easy... My older brother grew up hearing impaired so I know dealing with that isn't always easy, but working things out now is the best, as I'm sure you know! I'm just glad they are able to do hearing tests now at such a young age. My brother was almost 3 before they discovered his hearing loss and at the time (in the late 70's) they didn't make hearing aids small enough for him! You guys are doing a great job. I know I can't come visit for a while, but if you ever just want to talk to an adult, let me know! Take care!
