Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Little Favor

The end of the week held a little excitement for Luke. On Thursday he had his first visit from his occupational therapist, Laura. Can I just say this....I love her! She is a sweet English mother from Ft. Wayne. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one that feels this way. Luke kept his eyes on her the whole time and never made a whine. She moved his legs around and monitored his strength in his neck and limbs. Luke really enjoyed her mirror too. What can I say, he likes looking at that little man looking back at him. Laura will be back next Friday for another visit.
Last night Jonathin and I were able to go out to dinner and do some shopping for who else, the Lukeman. It was nice to go out to dinner somewhere I haven't been since a month before Luke was born. We ventured to Barnes and favorite. Before we went I made a nice list of books that we should get him. Jonathin had other ideas. I was patiently looking at books and here comes Jonathin with a bunch of Berenstain Bears books. Don't get me wrong, I like those books...but dang. Needless to say we came out with 8 new books to read to Luke to help with his hearing. I also came out with a book. I had been reading another blog and she mentioned a book she had read. It is by a mother that was given the news that her child would not be viable once born. She and her husband were given the option if to carry the baby as long as they could or terminate the pregnancy. It is called I Will Carry You. I have yet to start it, but I have a idea that it will be a tearful read.
I would also like to pass on a nice thing Jonathin and I saw while at the University Park Mall right outside of Barnes and Noble. Right next to the play ground there is a isolette with preemie clothing in from Memorial Hospital, Luke's birth hospital. People are able to donate money into the isolette to go towards the NICU at the hospital. It is so surreal to know that represents and large part of our life. Needless to say, we emptied out all of our change and cash into that isolette. I hate to say it, but no one understands it till you go through it. So if I could ask a favor. If you are in the area, please throw your extra change in that isolette. It might not be where we lived for 3 months,  however they are the ones that took care of Luke during the most important week of his little life...Thanks!


The isolette at the mall.

Wore out after therapy

Daddy trying to teach Luke how to sleep all day.

1 comment:

  1. That is great that you guys got to go out to dinner and Barnes and Noble... that sounds SO much like what we would do! Love me some B & N! That is also wonderful that you like your new OT. Very important! Luke is so adorable, btw!
