Monday, November 14, 2011

The RSV Lowdown

Okay, I know I have talked about RSV a little bit over the past 5 months, but I figured since the season is here I would really go into detail.

The best website I have seen so far I found on another preemie mom's blog.

RSV Protection

To adults and older children RSV is seen as just a common cold. However to a preemie with already compromised lungs it can cause pneumonia, a severe cold, and can even cause death. The issue is the infection can close off an already small and swelled lung passageways.

This website breaks it down by the gestational age that Luke was born at, 26 weeks. The issues that Luke is fighting against is:
             1. Preterm birth
             2. Chronic Lung Disease; due to ventilator for over 2 months
             3. Immunodeficiency; Luke did not receive all of is antibodies from me due to his early birth.
             4. Birth within 6 months of onset of RSV

Luke will also be receiving a shot known as Synagis. It is a vaccine in a way for RSV. It will not prevent RSV, but can help. He will receive it once a month from November through April. We will also be restricting ourselves from large crowded areas. This means our own holidays. As much as we would like everyone to finally meet Luke, we know it is the best if we stay our distance. I do however, have Skype so hopefully that can let us be around more, even from our own home.

We have been advised by our pulmonologist and pediatrician on some guideline that we have decided to adapt to and ask your assistance in keeping Luke as healthy as possible. We would like to stay out of the hospital as much as possible. Also we would like to keep moving forward on removing Luke's oxygen supply, and RSV can push us backwards. So we have revamped our rules a little for the season, please don't take it personally if we tell you no, when you call to a visit.

1. Please have an up to date flu shot and a pertussis vaccination.
2. Please do not visit if you have been around a sick person within the past 2 weeks.
3. Please do not visit if you have been sick or fighting a runny nose within the past 2 weeks, snot carries RSV.
4. Wash hands as soon as you entire the house.
5. SANITIZE, SANITIZE, SANITIZE, throughout your entire visit
6. Please wear freshly cleaned clothes or bring a change of clothes.
7. Please keep your distance from Luke's face, you might not be sick but can carry germs.
8. Please no strong body wash or perfume, they leave Luke breathing heavy and sneezing.

Sorry for the strictness, but I know that months next to a hospital bed isn't fun and I'm pretty sure Luke would rather stay safe as well. Thanks!


1 comment:

  1. RSV is so very scary and you have to be strict! We didn't allow any visitors (just grandparents, adult siblings, and therapists). It was hard emotionally, but so worth it!
