Saturday, November 5, 2011

Not at Riley Anymore

This is not what I had planned for a nice Saturday at home. While I was getting Luke ready for a visit from my grandma I noticed a swelled up area between his groin and his thigh. I could feel some heat along with a hard area. My first instinct was...ER! I woke Jonathin up and told him where I was headed while he helped me pack everything. Deep down I knew this wasn't something small and we were headed  for a few days. I didn't tell Jonathin that, but deep down I had a feeling. My parents just happened to be in South Bend at my mom's work. I picked her up and we headed to the ER. We were so lucky that we got there when we did, there was no wait. Now don't take that as we didn't wait at all. Throughout our entire ER stay we were cooped in a tiny room for 5 hours. When the doctor finally came in, it only took a few seconds to diagnosis Luke's leg with an abscess. They explained it as bacteria that has clumped together almost like a large zit. So first he ordered blood work and then an ultrasound. Luke was a champ throughout the entire thing. As much as he has been poked he hardly made a peep during his blood draw. He wasn't as big of fan of the ultrasound as they applied pressure to his leg. Originally they were going to drain his leg in the ER, however finally they decided to just do it once they moved us up to the PICU. When they did drain his leg they didn't get as much drainage as they wanted. So now Luke is on Vancomycin, an antibiotic, every 6 hours. My thoughts on this drug go both ways. It is a great drug, however, it is thought to be the cause of his hearing loss. But, like I said before. I would rather beat an infection first. They also filled Luke's leg with medicated packing and will change it daily, of course while I am not in the room. I am just hoping that he can sleep tonight. Maybe all the excitement will have wore him out. I can just say this is a whole different world to us. I know Memorial is a great hospital, but it isn't Riley. I have gotten so accustomed to Riley, this feels like I'm cheating on Riley. We are supposed to go to Riley on Tuesday, but those appointments are up in the air as of now. Hope to have some good news to relay to you tomorrow. Thank you everyone for the prayers for our little man, hope he can beat this quick like everything else that has came along so far.


After a long day with an IV in his head this is how Luke felt about my picture taking...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! So sorry :( Poor sweetie. Saying a prayer right now for a restful night for you all...
