Friday, November 11, 2011


Phew...what a busy few days. Let's see here, where did we leave off? Last I was on we were praying Luke's leg would start to look better with the new antibiotics. I can't say if the meds did or if the Lidocaine on his leg did most of the work. Well on Tuesday morning the surgeon came in to check on Luke at 6:30 am and we were pleased to see that his leg was ready to be drained. The Lidocaine drew all the fluid (puss) to the surface. His leg looked like a water blister. It might not sound great, but I was wonderful for Luke. The surgeon was able to relieve Luke without taking him to the OR and putting Luke under sedation. This was our biggest worry due to Luke's lung issues. I will skip the glory of the draining, but they were able to clear out 2-3 tablespoons worth of infection. Pretty much instantly Luke seemed to feel better. The antibiotics did enough the next 24 hours that we were able to head home on Wednesday afternoon. I don't know about Luke, but I was sooo happy to be in my own bed instead of a reclining chair.

I had such high hopes that Luke would be able to sleep without the swing now since he did it for 4 nights. I was however, disappointed. We are back to the goofy sleeping habits that Luke has. He won't go to sleep till late. I think he just might like late night television. His favorite must be Craig Ferguson, since we always catch that one.

Today we went back to the pediatrician for a follow up from the hospital. He was happy with how things are healing. We are still on antibiotics for the 8 days. They really can't give a reason this happened other than it was in his system from when he was very young. I just have to watch closely cause it is possible this may happen again. Oh Boy!

As RSV isolation really starts to set in I have decided I know the biggest thing that bothers me. I used to be able to go and get something when I wanted it before. Like tonight I had such an itch for a cappuccino form the gas station. Any other time I would be able to go the block down the road, but now I can only dream...haha.

Well the baby is back to being grumpy and slightly hungry. Sorry for the hurried update, just wanted to try and catch up.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for updating! I am glad you guys got to leave and that the antibiotics are working. And RSV isolation is so hard. You have to learn new ways to live within your own walls. I hear ya!
