Monday, November 7, 2011

Mama Bear

What can I say, but I'm not used to having to fight for Luke's best interest. I was spoiled with Riley apparently. Today however it was time to step up. This morning when the doctors rounded on Luke his abscess actually looked worse than when we first got to the ER. The suggestion is to drain out the area more than just the one area than they did on Saturday. The big ordeal is Luke's pain tolerance. They would like to sedate him for the drainage, however this can be a little dangerous I guess you could say. Due to Luke's chronic lung disease they want to watch things very closely. So the actual doctor on the floor isn't going to do, but a surgeon will do it in an OR. I guess it is a good thing and a bad thing. One I am not a fan or doing anything that can be dangerous due to his breathing. However, I am glad they are being precautions and doing it in and OR just in case the worse takes place. The surgeon insisted on continuing the Vancomycin for 24 hours to see if it would break down more infection. This is where I questioned things. We have been on Vanc since Saturday night and things have actually gotten worse. Why continue something that is apparently not working. After talking to 2 nurses and them calling in a doctor that was on call I finally got my way. We are trying a new drug for 2 doses to see if that will help some. It is pretty much inevitable that he will have a draining tomorrow. I guess I can't complain if it works. Just as long as we move out of the germ infested hospital. There has been the first confirmed case of RSV here this past weekend. In the words of our pediatrician, "get him out of there as soon as possible." I'm just hoping this works tomorrow.

Like I said on facebook tonight, I feel like we have asked so much from everyone the past 4 months, but if we could ask one more favor. Please pray that this works for Luke. So we can get him home and out of danger here. Also we can relieve him of the discomfort that he is going through now. I'm not a fan of being stuck at home, but I would that over this any day. Thank you all so much!



  1. I hope all goes well and you are able to leave the hospital soon.

    I'm your newest blog follower. I have 24 week micro-preemie twins who are now 19 months old. Our blog is I've enjoyed reading all about Luke.

  2. I am praying for Luke. And I'm so glad you are following your gut. It took me awhile to feel confident when speaking with doctors.
