Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Collection

Luke made out like a bandit this Christmas. We had 3 Christmas' this year. Luke was able to make it to two. It was so nice to be able to see everyone this year. Hopefully next year the little man can go meet the rest of his family at the Watson side's Christmas. Luke received lots of clothes, some toys, books, and many other things including his own Riley red wagon. For the time being Luke will only get to ride in it in our basement, but watch out this summer. He also got his high chair from my parents. I think he likes that almost the best. It allows him to sit up high and see what is all going on. Not to mention it helps us now that we are feeding him real food twice a day. My mom got us a Baby Bullet, so just this morning I made our first batch of bananas and sweet potatoes. He likes bananas in his cereal, and tonight we shall try the sweet potatoes. Jonathin went back to work last night for the first time in almost 2 weeks. It was like things were back to normal for Luke and I. It was night with Jonathin being here all the time, but it kind of threw off our schedule a little. I through in a few pictures of the past few days for everyone, I am sorry this is kind of short. I am currently on the phone with insurance over our Synagis shot....yay! Let me tell you, this little baby makes you grow up real quick and take care of stuff you know your parents usually take care of.

Yummy cereal and bananas in his new high chair.

Luke's new wagon with a side of Vader cat

Luke's new giraffe hat from Uncle Calvin

Finally sporting his Superman shirt that Denise bought him when he was 3 pounds!


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