Saturday, December 3, 2011

Technology week

Wow, it has been a long week. Luke had his CT scan on Wednesday for his hearing aids. It went pretty well I would say. Luke wasn't happy to begin with, but then he fell asleep and make it all the way through the scan asleep. It only took 5 minutes or so. I really don't know exactly why we had it done. It was brought up after our last hearing appointment and had been pushed back since we were admitted to the hospital last month. I can only think that we did it just to check the anatomy of Luke's ears. However, the techs kept asking if he had surgery on his ears already. I don't know what that means exactly. I guess it makes me wonder if there is more going on than just antibiotics.

Then on Thursday we were finally able to get our RSV prevention vaccine, Synagis. It is known to be painful, however Luke took it like a champ. He was more into the bottle right afterwards. The next shot can't be given for another 25 days, so we will be back right after Christmas for another dose. He was approved by the insurance company for 5 total shots. They are $2800 a piece...eeek, I know! I just hope they work their magic. Hopefully things will work out for the best and we will be approved for them again next year. It all depends on how Luke's health is beforehand.

Like I said on the last post, Luke has been way more active. He is awake more and stronger. He has knocked off glasses this week and is all over the place. I keep trying to work with him more on the tummy mat, but he isn't too happy about it. There is so much I want/need to work with him on. His therapist said this week to start with link rings and different textures. I feel like there is so much I want to do, but not enough time in the day. I think that is my biggest worry when I start up with school again. I feel like I am going to let him down. I am going to have to do so much to pass my classes after being away for so long. It was tough to begin with and now it will be even more work. I just hope that I can give him all the time I can and still be able to work with him. These are my worries now.

Now to something that has taken over my! It started with the blog and I have been a Facebooker since 2004. However, the past few days I have started Tweeting and today I started Pinterest. Don't ask me why I started Tweeting. It isn't like we have an exciting life. I think it is just something else to use to get out Luke's story or what goes on in our life. Then there is Pinterest! I was bullied into it by a good friend. After 3 hours tonight, I have found 196 pins so far tonight. It is an awesome site, however I'm pretty sure it is just another thing to take time. I highly recommend it for ideas for everything, food, crafts, anything pretty much. I have found some great ideas so far for Luke as he grows. You can follow me on there also.

That pretty much sums up tonight. Luke is a little restless tonight, hopefully he will get some sleep along with myself.

You can follow me on Twitter and Pinterest with the name of Suprmansmom.


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