Monday, December 19, 2011

Cordless...during the day

Long story short...NO MORE OXYGEN DURING THE DAY!  Starting tomorrow morning, Luke will be completely free of any tubes or wires during the day. It might not seem like much, but wow the freedom that is in store. He will still have to wear his oxygen at night and when he is in the car, but not when we are awake and around him. On occasion we will have to spot check him with a pulse oximeter, but his NP was pretty happy with the little man. He also decided to perform today unlike Thursday. He was all about lifting his head to look at us when she asked him to. He also did well eating while we were away and did well in the car. Hopefully things will keep this way since we are back home. We are scheduled to see the pulmonary department at the end of January. Before that appointment we will have a sleep study done. Luke will have to spend the night and one of us will stay with him while the other spends the night in a sleeping room. That will be down here soon. Also, as soon as we are done with oxygen, Luke can have his hernia surgery. It will be nice to cross another thing off our list. So, right now we are relaxing after being gone for nearly 9 hours. I've thrown in a picture just to brighten your day. Luke's Great Aunt Pam crocheted him some cowboy boots and we decided tonight was the day to break them in once we got home.


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