Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Medical Chaos

Sorry it has been awhile since we last updated, but it has been pretty calm around here...till today. We finally got some answers from our doctors that we have been waiting for. First let's start with pulmonary.
We saw them two weeks from yesterday. That is when Luke was taken off oxygen during the day and turned to low at night. We were ordered a pulse oximeter during that visit along with being ordered for a sleep study. We are still waiting on that pulse ox. Last Monday our home health care called to let me know they were working on things with our insurance and they would let us know when things would change. I then called them on Friday to see if things had changed. Well, they then tell me that they needed our NP's signature or something and they had faxed the paper twice and still nothing came back. So....I then go to call Riley, but they closed for the holiday till Tuesday. I woke up this morning with this on the top of my list, along with scheduling the sleep study since that was never done. Apparently the paper was signed on the 28th, but it takes 7-14 days to process. Which blows my mind, since our friends got theirs the very next day... On a good note, we might not even need it. We were scheduled for an overnight sleep study tomorrow night. So Luke and I will be traveling to Indy tomorrow afternoon. He has to be at the lab by 8pm and they will wire him up. I was told he should sleep like a baby with all of the beeps. Apparently it will bring him back to his NICU days. Hopefully we will be a little early so we can visit our night nurses if any of them are there. I am told that we will know Luke's results in a week. Realistically I should know in the morning, cause they will put oxygen on him if he gets low. Fingers crossed and prayers said it goes well....then no more oxygen!

Another phone call on my list was to the hearing doctors. Since Luke's CT scan we have never heard anything from them. We are getting dangerously close to when they wanted his hearing aids on full time. Right before they called, our First Steps coordinator called to schedule a meeting. We go through them for our special hearing aids also. She said she had never received anything either from the office. So...after finally speaking to the assistant to the doctor we are moving again. Apparently, they never received word that the CT was done and that we were going through First Steps. So we are now scheduled for a hearing aid appointment the first week of February. More balls are rolling now.

Other big news around here...Luke is sleeping in the travel crib. For the past three nights we have been swingless. Just in time for his sleep study. He does pretty well with it. Two nights ago he slept for 11 hours straight. It was crazy! He just needs his two crocheted blankets and he is ready to go. We aren't moving the swing out of our room just yet, but hopefully it is in the near future.

Also the little man is eating like a champ. We have moved from just cereal to some fruits and vegetables. He really likes it. I've been making him fresh food with my baby bullet, and it's pretty easy. You can tell he is getting more hungry and wants more food. He has upped his formula intake at times, but eating 2 servings of vegetables or fruit during his dinner. A far cry from what the developmental pediatrician crying NG tube last month. We have run into some constipation, but we will take what we get.

Hopefully we will have some great news on Thursday morning to pass on, fingers crossed.

Luke's IU overalls

Riah's  reading to Luke with Watson the Raccoon 

11 hour night

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