Friday, October 14, 2011

One LONG Night

Last night was a rough one for Luke and Mommy. For some reason all day yesterday all he wanted was to be held all day. That seemed to backfire on me then last night. I would get him to sleep, but once I would put in bed he would wake up and start crying again. This went on till 1 am when I finally resorted to sleeping on the couch and him in his swing. So the three dogs made sure they had their place on the couch along with me. He slept till 5:30 am or so when his dad finally got home from work. Then he slept with his dad for a bit while I got ready for the day. I hate to say it, but I lost it last night. I am so tired from lack of sleep that I starting crying and praying for some sleep. For some reason the hard nights are when Jonathin is at work. It is so hard to catch up on sleep. When he is sleeping I am running around cleaning and getting stuff done. Also he seems to have something to do almost every day. Monday the nurse was here and weighed him in at 7 pounds 8.5 ounces and then today she was back and he weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces. So he is right on gaining an ounce a day. I however will be so happy once we can take him off the special formula and can put him on something for his gassiness. He gets uncomfortable some days. Next week will be 6 weeks of visits and hopefully that will be the end of the home nurses. Also yesterday we had a visit from 1st Steps. They are through the state and monitor Luke's development. Last week they were out and decided that Luke was eligible for the program due to his small birth weight. They also want to monitor his hearing. When they monitored his hearing last week they noted that Luke does not startle like he should. This leaves me a little worried, but honestly if that is all we run into I would say we are pretty blessed with our little man. So starting next week Luke will be seen by an occupational therapist twice a month for 2 hours to monitor his development. Next week is a busy week for us, so fingers crossed all of our appointments have good results.

On a side note, I have since learned that once you experience something you start to know many others that have also. Since Luke was born I have known 2 others that have had extremely premature babies. My one friend from IU's daughter that was born at 29 weeks in August is now home.  Last night a friend of my parents are now living our life. Her granddaughter was born at 2 pounds 13 ounces. If I could ask for your prayers for little Sophia and her family. You really don't know the feeling till you experience it, and I know the long road they have ahead. Thanks!


I can't get over how much my boys are alike.

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