Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sore Little Luke Man!

My eyes have been opened lately to all that I can do with this blog. My new found love is other preemie moms' blogs. It is so astounding to find out that you are not the only one going through this new lifestyle. I hope that I can move this blog to more of a picture based blog with updates of our family as a whole with Luke. We shall see how that goes, but for right now it is all about our little man.
Today was a rough one for the little guy. He started his morning at his pediatrician's office. Luke weighed in at 7 pounds and 15 ounces. You might say, the number sounds familiar. It is true we were near this place a week ago, but then we spend those tiresome days at Riley and lost 4 ounces. So I am happy to say we have gained our weight back. We are also 20 inches long. Dr. Durham showed us Luke's growth on a chart and he looks great, even though he no where near other children his corrected age. Hopefully with the extra calories, we won't be too far behind.
Luke then had to get 3 booster vaccines along with an oral vaccine. This was the first time this little boy has ever shed a tear. Through everything he has been through and the constant poking, today the tears finally came. He was not through however after that visit. We then had to go to Memorial Hospital for Luke's manhood surgery. It was very surreal walking right past the NICU doors and the hallway where Luke was delivered. Here, originally this was to be his growing place for months before moving to Riley. It was odd to say the least. I didn't feel like we fit in, due to choosing to stay at Riley instead of traveling back to Memorial.
Luke's outpatient surgery was on the pediatric ICU floor. It was an eye opener that if Luke did become sick during this RSV season, this is where we would be for that duration. Just a side note: a child has already been tested for RSV in our area. It came back negative, but it is that time for sure. We were told that Luke was a real champ for his circumcision this afternoon. For obvious reasons, Jonathin and I chose to leave the room.
So tonight as I write this update, Luke is swinging in his swing all bundled up after his traumatic day. I hope that he sleeps well for me. He seems to stay awake nights that I am alone with him, but sleeps all night (last night) when there is two of us here. I swear the two boys do it on purpose to me. Tomorrow hopefully Luke will feel up to it, because we start his occupational therapy. I know what you are thinking, really, occupational therapy... Well this isn't the first time he has been seen by a therapist. Laura, his therapist will come for an hour twice a month and work with his movements. We want to make sure that he has strength in his limbs and easy flowing movement. It guess it is not something that I have worried about before. However, I have seen in many other preemies that this can be an issue as they favor one side or another. So hopefully things go smoothly.
Just an added tidbit. My mind has been racing with all I can do with Luke's story now and in the future. Like I said earlier, I hope to be able to document more with pictures as Luke experiences life and grows. I hope to also put together a different kind of baby book. I mean let's be honest, there is no "normal" book that can document his past 4 months. I hope to take all of the pictures so far, along with all the cards, letters, emails, and everything else and place it in a scrapbook sort of thing. I hope then later he can see what all he meant to people and how everyone prayed for him.
I am also struggling with my thoughts on schooling as of right now. I know that I need to go back and finish what I started before Luke came along. I am just weighing out how much I can do right now. I have the option of being done by May, which would be great. However, that would mean driving to Gary some 4 times a week and being gone from 5am to 6-7pm each night. Let's be honest here, is that possible. I know we have a great support system, but I don't know if I could mentally and physically do that while trying to study and give Luke the best care possible. Or I could finish by August by slowing things down. My mind still wanders to RSV season that is through May and maybe picking up something while at the hospitals for clinicals. This is just my mind going 100 miles a minute right now. I want the best for Luke and our family. How to do it all?

This blog kind of took off on me more then Luke, sorry about that. Just how my mind works when it won't slow down a bit. Just imagine how things will be come February around 4 months into RSV isolation. Hopefully tomorrow I can touch more on that, and what all we have decided to stick with for the season.

Thanks, for listening to me ramble.

Passed out with the dog he received from a group that donates to the hospital. 

Completely out of it after his day

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