Sunday, April 22, 2012

Let's Get Him Fat!

So...last time we left you, Luke had sniffles and a slight cough. Well last Saturday night I didn't want to push it anymore and wanted to be told he was okay. So at nine o'clock at night Jonathin and I took off to Goshen ER with Luke. It was a whole different world there, no doubt about it. Instantly we were taken back and the doctors saw him before we even had him undressed. They were more knowledgeable about him being a preemie and from Riley. They even commented on how he didn't look like a preemie due to his head shape. As you can remember there was much work put into Luke's toaster head while on the ventilator. Within 2 hours we had an x-ray and a sputum sample and were on our way home. It was so nice for the x-ray to come to us. When we are at Memorial we have to go clear across the hospital to get it done. Luke wasn't as much of a fan of the sputum sample though. However, he was negative for RSV, Flu 1 & 2...yay! His x-ray came back with a little cloudiness in one lung, but they couldn't compare to others from before. It could just be from his chronic lung disease. He also had a minor ear infection. The doctor decided to treat him with an antibiotic for the ear and as if he had a touch of pneumonia. I was just relieved. Needless to say, we all slept better that night.

On Monday afternoon Luke and I headed to Indy for our first road trip alone. We did pretty well I think. We only stopped once in Argos for a little nose sucking. I don't think it bothered him, just his mom. We spent a little time at our hotel, then went to visit Danielle and Cassie. It had been awhile since they had seen Luke. They used to visit him often while we were at Riley. We had a good time catching up and Luke had a nice conversation with Cassie while Danielle made dinner. Then we went back to the hotel to try and get some sleep before our early doctors appointments. Luke had other plans. Instead we stayed up and watched many hours of Duck Dynasty, not that it bothered me too much. At least it was good entertainment. Even with our late night, we were ready for out first appointment at 7:50am.

These appointments used to seem like a lot of work to begin with, but now after 7 months of them, we are finally getting the hang of it. Of course the first appointment was with Developmental Pediatrician. We did not have a good appointment last time we saw them. You can reread it here...Don't Treat Us Like Failures. We were seeing a new doctor that was recommended to us, Dr. Keck. She was great with Luke. She was friendly and helpful. She was happy with Luke's growth, except for his surprise there. So the dietitian was called in. Luke's weight to length ratio isn't great. Since Luke still isn't a bottle baby, we had to figure out how to gain weight with his habits. The answer....PURE BUTTER! Luke will now be eating high calorie baby food with a teaspoon of butter in every jar. Also, since Luke isn't getting a lot of protein in his formula he will have to start eating baby meat. So once a day Luke will have a jar of meat added to veggies. She offered to add it to cereal and fruit....gag me! I couldn't ruin all foods for this little boy. His doctor describes him as an opinionated eater. She would like to have him seen by the speech therapist...been there and was then forgotten about again. She would like to see if they can break him of his habits. If that doesn't work and he doesn't start catching up with weight we will be recommended for an inpatient stay. They would have Luke for a week or so inpatient and a team of specialists would work with him. Including a We shall see about that.

We had an hour to waste before our last appointment so we went and sat in the main lobby for awhile. Luke napped while my mind wandered. All the noises and the surroundings brought me back to the 3 months we were there. It seems like forever ago, but then I could be right there again tomorrow. That was our way of life for so long. I think it will be interesting when Luke can finally know this amazing place and what they did for him.

Lastly that day we met with our Pulmonary Nurse Practitioner. Nancy was happy with how Luke looked and sounded, even after his ER visit. She was also happy with his growth and weight gain. She doesn't see the weight and length ratio, she just sees what he has gained over the past month. Since Luke hasn't had a trouble really over the winter she was happy if we don't see her till the end of August! That is only if we have problems this summer and if we need her help to get Synagis shots next fall/winter. From a baby that was on a ventilator for 2 months to where we are now...amazing. I never thought we would get to this point for quite a while.  After that good news we headed home. The ride home wasn't as easy as the ride down. Luke was tired of being in the car seat, and I didn't blame him.

He has started his new feeds and hasn't done too bad with it. Hopefully he will keep it up. We still haven't closed on our house, hopefully on Tuesday at the latest. I think Luke will be happy too when we move. The poor baby has no toys or entertainment other than his swing. I think Mom is getting pretty boring to look at and play with daily.

Not so happy with his meat.

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