Thursday, December 15, 2011

Don't Treat Us Like Failures

I know your wondering about the title, but let me start at the beginning. Today we FINALLY had our first appointment with developmental pediatrician. However, our day started yesterday actually. Yesterday morning we went to our regular pediatrician for Luke's 6 month shots. They went pretty well. The big news was Luke's growth. As of yesterday Luke is 9 pounds 14 ounces and 22 1/4 inches long. He is sooo close to 10 pounds. After the little man's shots were came home to pack for another trip to Riley. It seems like forever since we were there. When we left Luke slept most of the way to Indy. We stayed in a hotel over night since our appointment was at 9am. To put it lightly, Luke doesn't travel well. Sure, he does great in the car, however everything else not so much. To cut to the chase, we were up all night. Every time Luke would fall asleep it would only last a short time, then back to crying we went. He also doesn't eat well. We were lucky to get a feeding in before we left for the hospital. 

At our appointment, I was less than happy when we left. To begin with, the doctor had no idea about Luke. I understand that he sees hundreds of kids, but if you are coming in to talk to a parent at least read the chart. He thought Luke was born in July and came home in August....HELLO! That is how it started. Luke is already uncomfortable and this guy just kept going. Luke's legs are still sore from all of his shots yesterday and this guy is bicycling his legs so Luke is crying so hard that he is holding his breathe. Then he just kept going. He wanted to see him eat. So instead of waiting for Luke to settle down he tried shoving the bottle in his mouth, leaving Luke to choke and cough. This then leads the doctor to just to the conclusion that Luke needs thickening and maybe back to NG tube!!!! What the heck! He said that because Luke was fighting the bottle it wasn't because he wasn't hungry, it was because he chokes regularly! Isn't it funny that speech passed him with his swallow test and he does fantastic at home without coughing or choking. I just sat there and stewed in anger. Jonathin thinks I am getting worked up over nothing. However, I feel like he attacked me and Luke that we are failing. He wasn't too excited for what Luke has overcame and accomplished. I thought the first 6 months were hard, but now I feel like we have a hard couple years a head of us. I didn't go into a lot of detail from today, but I am steaming still. I feel like we were attacked.

So now today we are home and Luke is back to his normal self. Once we put him in his carrier to come home he relaxes and is back to his old self. It is so funny. We get home and he eats all of his food, pooped, and got a bath to get off the hospital germs. He is comfortable and so are we. Hopefully we have better luck on Monday with pulmonary. 

Here are a few pictures that my cousin Bryan ( Bryan Chris Photography ) took of Luke at 5 months. He is too cute if you ask me!

Luke with his cousins Riah, Brenden, and Quin. You would never know Quin is 3 weeks younger than Luke.

Luke looks enthused in his spiffy outfit


  1. Take it with a grain of salt! We've never had a developmental pediatrician look at Jack. I wouldn't trust anyone's judgement on a preliminary appointment when the chart wasn't even read. Just stack it away in the back of your mind as semi-useful information and go on your way. Your pediatrician is much more likely to have a feel for how things are going and then eventually, if you start seeing therapists, they will be the ones to help you. Sorry it was such a yucky appointment!

  2. Ditto to the post above! You haven't failed! There will be many bumps in the road ahead and you will listen and tuck it away and know the ones who deal with him all time sees the progress and results. Hang in there its just the start of this wonderful journey!
