Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Day at Church

We had a pretty good week with Luke. On Sunday was Luke's coming out day at church. The last time Jonathin and I were at church was Luke's one week birthday. We received a call that morning that Luke would be receiving a blood transfusion and later that day we were airlifted to Riley. This Sunday was a little different. He was a star as soon as we walked in. Everyone at our church has been the best support for the past 9 1/2 months. I don't think I have ever wanted to return to church so much. Of course the visit wasn't without a few tears. As Jonathin and I sat in our own little corner of the sanctuary our pastor revisited Luke's story. How just 9 months ago during the service Luke as born with a 20% chance of survival, and how the world was an unknown to us. How great is GOD? Luke has no idea the support that he received from our congregation. We were met with a round of applause. It was crazy at the difference of feelings is insane. The last time we were there, the tears were flowing as Larry spoke of our little man, and this Sunday tears were there with joy. I cannot thank everyone enough for the continued prayers and support.

After church we took Luke to visit the Easter Bunny at Linton's. Luke didn't mind the bunny too much. He just sat there while this skinny bunny held him. I think we were more excited for him, he wouldn't crack a smile at all. Linton's also had baby chicks and ducks that caught Jonathin's eye. However, Luke didn't find them interesting. I don't even think he noticed them.

This week Luke has been struggling this week with pooping. No surprise here out of this child. A common problem since he was 3 days old. We have had constant marbles and nonstop grunting and now we are on to nothing in a day in a half. He has been taking bigger bottles, sometimes 9 ounces when he wakes up. So far from his original 2-3 ounces at a time. He also is eating more baby food. However, with all this food there should be more poop, but that is not the case. We have his probiotic daily that had worked for awhile. The pediatrician offered up Miralax, but we did that when we first came home from Riley. It worked for awhile, but we had to stop since he started eating food. He wasn't taking enough liquid so he would cramp and cry. I am hoping he figures this out or another call will be made to the doctors Monday.

Jonathin and I are getting closer to moving to the new house. We have been packing steadily. I guess you could say that is one thing we have come to learn over the past 4 moves. The 5th time in 5 years finally has us doing things more organized. Hopefully this weekend I can get everything that is not a necessity right now packed. They moved our closing up almost a week if everything goes well. Less than two weeks.

Last night my Aunt Pam, Riah, and I took Luke and Quin to get pictures taken. Over 2 months ago my mom bought the babies matching outfits from Target. We had to weight for Luke to grow a bit, but had to go now because Quin was getting to point of growing out of her outfit. Luke was ready to go. For a little boy that isn't always the easiest to work with, he was in a good mood. It was Quin, the usual happy baby, that wasn't in the mood. However, the pictures turned out cute for the little time we were there. It gives me more to put on all the new walls in the house.

I think that pretty much sums up our week. Luke had occupational therapy yesterday. His therapist was happy with his progress and he tolerated it very well. Just have to keep working on hamstrings and hopefully he will become more interested in his toys.

Just relaxing in Quin's high chair

1 comment:

  1. So awesome about going to church together as a family!!
