Saturday, January 21, 2012

Would'ya Look At That!

When you see Luke every day you don't really notice the changes unless you look at pictures. Tonight, however, we got some of his preemie clothes out...WOW! I never would have believed it without the proof. 

Luke is now 10 pounds and some ounces. He is wearing 3 month clothes.

This is the first outfit Luke was allowed to wear at 3 pounds 8 ounces. His feet only came to his knees in this outfit. I cried that morning when I walked into the NICU and saw my little man dressed to the nines. He worked so hard to get to this point and now look at him. I would never guess how much laundry this little guy would make, but I'm happy to do it. 

This isn't Luke's first hat, but it is the same size of Luke's IU hat that he wore during the flight to Riley hospital. Like the outfit, I can't believe how much he has grown. 

This was taken right before he was loaded to the transport isolette for his big flight.

I have heard Luke known as a lot of things and miracle comes up a lot. I always knew he was special, and after looking at all we have been through, MIRACLE pretty much sums it up. 

On a quick medical update. This Thursday we will be back at Riley for a pulmonary appointment. I never did hear how his sleep study went, so hopefully we can get some answers then. We also had a meeting with or First Steps coordinator, Liz. She suggested Luke have physical therapy along with the occupational therapy he is currently getting. The PT will work with Luke to catch up to his actual age (7 months) instead of his corrected age (4 months). So this week, we will learn more about that, and how often Luke will have it available to him. We also talked more about Luke's hearing aids. I know the state of Indiana can have problems, but they are good to us now. The First Steps program is available to us due to Luke's birthweight. They cover all of Luke's hearing needs, from appointments to the hearing aids in general. It is just a weight lifted off of us at this moment. Especially since our insurance isn't real helpful at this point. 

We think that we might have finally figured out Luke's tummy issues. Up to the beginning of this week, Luke has been fussy and had almost stopped taking a bottle. Apparently the Miralax that he was given daily stopped working due to low amount of fluid being taken. So we started taking Cultrella. We have to break open the capsule and Luke has to take it with juice. It seems to work fantastic. He hasn't had any crying spells and he is back to eating 4 ounces each bottle. He is also FINALLY regular. The most he has been since we came home. 

I'm not a fan of only updating weekly, but I still hope to get more pictures up soon. 


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