Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's Time

In 48 hours time, we will be getting comfortable in our hospital room at Riley and all will be done...if all goes as scheduled. Luke and I are finishing up our laundry and packing our bags for the occasion. It is hard to know what to pack for this trip. What kind of pajamas for Luke? What kind of clothes to come home in? What is he going to be most comfortable in for the long ride home? I want him to be as comfortable as possible for the 3 and half hours home. Not to mention if we stop. I always over pack, but truthfully who doesn't with kids.

So sometime tomorrow I will getting the phone call from Riley informing me of the time of Luke's surgery. We are thinking it will probably be around 11am since they go by the birth month schedule. So after class tomorrow, Luke and I will be headed down to Indy to stay the night at a hotel. This way it allows Luke to be as comfortable as possible the night before. We don't have to hurry and Luke can get a good last meal before his surgery. Jonathin is coming down Friday morning after he gets off work. It is like being back in the NICU all over again.

I am anxious, nervous, and relieved that this time is finally here. I know we are doing the right thing and it is just time for us to get used to it. I am just praying this works, and we can stop constantly worrying about his weight gain.

At the same time we are down at Riley, a family that has been there for us since the beginning are down there as well. I went to school with Anna's mom and would like to ask for some prayers to be sent her way as well. She is fighting pneumonia and is trying to regain her strength. Just would like to get her home soon along with him mom and dad.

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers and concerns. Hope to keep everyone update as soon as possible.


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