Monday, September 10, 2012

Holy Long Time Batman!

It has been forever since the last update....phew. I can't say there has been a lot going on lately. We are patiently waiting for Luke's feeding tube surgery. September 28th is taking it's time to get here. However, we have had a good time here lately. On Labor Day weekend we took our FIRST family vacation. We went to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN. This was the first time Luke took a long car ride without visiting Riley hospital. We had a good time. Luke was able to ride a couple rides and play in the pool in the big water park. I think it was more of a vacation for Mommy. I was able to go out and relax while my Mom and Aunt watched Luke. It was the first time I've actually been gone from the house since Luke has been born, that once again, wasn't for a Riley appointment. He did well in the car also. We did plenty of stops for him.

This past weekend Luke and I ventured to the Riley NICU reunion in Indianapolis. Last year at this time, my mom and I walked down to it last year while Luke was still in the hospital. So this was the first year we could go. It was really nice and there was so much for the kids. The next couple years when Luke is a little bigger I think he will be into it more. The best part was getting to visit with Lily and her family. The text messages that we swap daily/weekly does not cover our need to talk on a normal basis. So just those few hours will have to hold us for a couple more months.

Hopefully I can do little updates more frequently now as I get my school schedule figured out...

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