Sunday, September 30, 2012

Well...let's get gaining.

All is well now. The past 48 hours has been long and a little overwhelming. On Thursday Luke, my mom, and I left for Indianapolis to spend the night at my Dad's hotel. He had been in Indy all week due to work. We still hadn't heard from Riley about the time and other information about the surgery when we left. Ofcourse we couldn't have a normal trip to Riley, due to the help of some crazy person in the Riley emergency room. Apparently on Thursday around noon, something chemical spilled in a purse in the ER that led to people becoming sick, and actually coding. The lady that brought the fluids in is still in critical condition. To make a long story short, everything was delayed due to homeland security and the hospital being on lockdown for many hours. So when we did receive the call it was a good thing we had already left, because Luke's surgery was first at 7:30am and we needed to be there at 5:45am! Luke played that night in the big king sized bed and relaxed, unlike his mother.
It was rough the next morning letting the nurses take him back. My biggest fear was the anesthesia and the tube they were putting down his throat to breathe. We'd been through that enough, didn't want to go back. However, the doctors said he did great, and Jonathin made it down in time from work to see him first in recovery. He looked so sad in that bed all drugged up. I think that was the worst part. He got the works with his hernia, orchiopexy, and g tube. Quickly after we saw him he was moved to his room up in the Simon Towers. All he wanted through the day was his blankie, pacifier, and his morphine. We tried not to touch him, because he was so sensitive and it would just agitate him more. He was in and out of sleep all day long. The night wasn't so bad, other than a couple times he was awake and they gave him meds. They started feeds 4 hours after surgery purely through the tube. He didn't seem to mind the food, but sure didn't want us touching his belly. His MIC-EY button looks a lot like a hole on a beach ball. It has large sutures around it holding it in place till Wednesday. We just lock a tube in to it and feed him by gravity. By the time Saturday was there I wanted to see if he would take some by mouth before we tubed him, since that is my plan. I don't want to rely on the tube all the time, so he forgets how to eat. He took half a bottle that way for me and then we were able to tube the rest. Finally after the tiniest of bowel movements we were discharged at 4pm on Saturday. Luke did really well on the car ride home. We thought the carseat would be a problem, but he seemed comfy until you had to get him in and out.

We're now home and Luke has survived his first night back. He must have really missed his bed too, because we are on 12 hours so far of sleep...yea! So today we will take it easy and try to figure out this new lifestyle. thank you again for the prayers the past few days and over the past year. Hopefully this will help us gain some weight and alleviate some stress for all of us.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's Time

In 48 hours time, we will be getting comfortable in our hospital room at Riley and all will be done...if all goes as scheduled. Luke and I are finishing up our laundry and packing our bags for the occasion. It is hard to know what to pack for this trip. What kind of pajamas for Luke? What kind of clothes to come home in? What is he going to be most comfortable in for the long ride home? I want him to be as comfortable as possible for the 3 and half hours home. Not to mention if we stop. I always over pack, but truthfully who doesn't with kids.

So sometime tomorrow I will getting the phone call from Riley informing me of the time of Luke's surgery. We are thinking it will probably be around 11am since they go by the birth month schedule. So after class tomorrow, Luke and I will be headed down to Indy to stay the night at a hotel. This way it allows Luke to be as comfortable as possible the night before. We don't have to hurry and Luke can get a good last meal before his surgery. Jonathin is coming down Friday morning after he gets off work. It is like being back in the NICU all over again.

I am anxious, nervous, and relieved that this time is finally here. I know we are doing the right thing and it is just time for us to get used to it. I am just praying this works, and we can stop constantly worrying about his weight gain.

At the same time we are down at Riley, a family that has been there for us since the beginning are down there as well. I went to school with Anna's mom and would like to ask for some prayers to be sent her way as well. She is fighting pneumonia and is trying to regain her strength. Just would like to get her home soon along with him mom and dad.

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers and concerns. Hope to keep everyone update as soon as possible.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Holy Long Time Batman!

It has been forever since the last update....phew. I can't say there has been a lot going on lately. We are patiently waiting for Luke's feeding tube surgery. September 28th is taking it's time to get here. However, we have had a good time here lately. On Labor Day weekend we took our FIRST family vacation. We went to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN. This was the first time Luke took a long car ride without visiting Riley hospital. We had a good time. Luke was able to ride a couple rides and play in the pool in the big water park. I think it was more of a vacation for Mommy. I was able to go out and relax while my Mom and Aunt watched Luke. It was the first time I've actually been gone from the house since Luke has been born, that once again, wasn't for a Riley appointment. He did well in the car also. We did plenty of stops for him.

This past weekend Luke and I ventured to the Riley NICU reunion in Indianapolis. Last year at this time, my mom and I walked down to it last year while Luke was still in the hospital. So this was the first year we could go. It was really nice and there was so much for the kids. The next couple years when Luke is a little bigger I think he will be into it more. The best part was getting to visit with Lily and her family. The text messages that we swap daily/weekly does not cover our need to talk on a normal basis. So just those few hours will have to hold us for a couple more months.

Hopefully I can do little updates more frequently now as I get my school schedule figured out...