Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yes, We Are Still Here...

I'm sorry to all of those loyal readers, and those that complained due to the long break. We have had a crazy couple weeks and now I think we can finally get to everything. Let's start with two weeks ago. We took Luke back to Riley for his first appointment in months with opthamology. This check-up was to check for the need of glasses. First they checked to make sure that Luke was tracking and following things. I was a little apprehensive about that. I don't think he tracks that great, however, he did great for them. They didn't see any problems with that. Then we sat in the waiting room for 15 minutes while his eyes dilate. The only appointment went quick after that. He did very well. After thinking for all these past few months that Luke would be in glasses since we had the eye problems early one, we were surprised to the learn...NO GLASSES! His eyes look great, and we are free from opthamology for a whole year.

While we were at Riley, we were so excited. We were able to see Lily for the first time in a long time, and her parents too...haha. This was the first time Luke and Lily were able to see each other. Since their areas weren't next to each other in the NICU, they only knew each other from pictures. Lily wanted to play, while Luke was more of an observer. Hopefully Luke and I can visit them in April for March for Dimes. Theirs in Terra Haute is a week after ours and we might go be part of Team Lily. It all depends on the weather and Luke's health.

Now let's move on to this week...hearing aids! We went Monday afternoon to pick up his super ears. They are blue, small, and great for him and a pain for us. Luke doesn't seem to mind them and doesn't mess with them. However, if he is just laying around, they like to pop out of his ears. I am afraid that one of these times a dog might snatch it. I know Luke could hear to begin with, but the aids clear the sounds for him. When I put them up to my ears, they are so clear. They block out the background noise and clear voices for him. There hasn't been and "Ahhaa" moment, but I think he likes them. I just hope they can stay in his ears better the older he gets. We will have to go back every 3 months for new ear molds to be made as he grows. Also, they will also be checking if his hearing changes. There is so many things that these hearing aids can do as Luke grows and different settings for him. As he learns to use them, more can be turned on for him. I will say though, he is cute with them.

Other! To cut to the chase, going to Gary didn't work out. I feel like I was pushed into going back too school right now. I know that I was not mentally ready or prepared for school. Also I know Luke and I weren't ready for the schedule that is needed to finish school. I am working towards moving to South Bend in the summer. I went in for a meeting with them, and I honestly feel like more was accomplished in 20 minutes than in 2 years at Gary. Jonathin thinks that I will be happier here and will get through things easier. Fingers crossed that things work out.

Also...Jonathin and I are now house hunting. We originally thought we were going to buy the house that we are currently living in. However, we both decided that it is nice, but not what we want. So, with Luke and Jonathin's schedule we are currently looking at homes. We don't really know exactly what we want, hopefully it will just hit us when we visit a house. We, however, have seen a few interesting ones. For instance, we did find the house used for the Brady Bunch if you could believe that...just kidding. However, it did smell and resemble it.

This weekend I am scrapbooking with the family while Jonathin and Luke have a boys weekend. This is the first time I have been away from Luke and Jonathin has had him all by himself. So far so good. Luke seems to be having a good weekend for his dad. We shall see how tonight goes. As much as I miss him, it is nice to get away for a bit, and I think his daddy might like it as well.

I PROMISE to not make you wait so long for another update. Hope all these pictures will help with the long wait.


Matching Accessories

Luke and Lily

Cousin Time

Oto, Luke's Otter with matching hearing aids, and yes he looks like a rat.

He is ready for the pool

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