Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Let's start off this post with a little caution. Don't read while eating...

Okay, now let's continue. VOMIT! OH how it bothers me so much. I know it is just a part of being a mom. Your child gets sick and you get over it and clean it up. However, since the G-tube placement Luke has taken it to a new extreme. I have now learned that no matter how gross it is, it's better if Luke just pukes on me if I'm holding him. This way my floor isn't dirty and there is less clean up other than the washing machine. His dad on the other hand, can't handle that. He has resorted to running with Luke to the bathroom...leaving behind a trail and wall splatter. I'll take the change of clothes over that mess.

Don't think that vomit is an everyday occurrence, however it can be weekly and maybe more than once a week. It is a very precise game with play with Luke's feedings. We take into consideration the amount the doctors would like Luke to receive, the amount Luke's belly might allow, the time between feeds, along with other variables like being sick. No day is exactly the same. I hate to say it, but I can't even explain to someone how I actually know when or how to feed him. I can tell someone time and amount, but I things could change and his feeding should change. Even Jonathin asks when, how much, and what to feed him. I know if he is snotty like he is now, we can't feed him formula. He is left with juice or pedialyte. The amount can be different depending on the time. It also can change depending on where we are. I'm not going to pump him full if we are out and about.  Why you ask....VOMIT. This kid can puke anywhere. It can be 3 hours after eating and he can still have a good shot. After he eats, Luke has to sit for a good 30 minutes. The older and more interested he is, the harder it is to keep him sitting.

We have looked into reflux, but that didn't get any where. I am now hoping with the CP diagnosis we can get some where. As much as a pain the G-tube is, it is the only way I can get something in Luke. Even if he is not feeling well. It is a fine line that we walk with Luke and his nutrition. Hopefully Luke can get over this little sinus issue and we can have a few clean days soon.

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