Monday, October 15, 2012

Play Weekend

First off can I get a big YIPEE for weight gain. In a week Luke gained a little over a half a pound...this is huge for us. He has been keeping down what we feed him and eating mostly by mouth. Usually once a day we have to tube him, but no complaints here. The best part, he isn't even taking the 6 ounces each feed they want since we have to work up to that point. Imagine the gain we could have when we finally meet that point. Hopefully he keeps gaining.

This morning we will be heading the pediatrician though. He has his first bought with granular tissue formation under his button. So he will need some silver nitrate to stop that. After Dr. Durham shows me today we can do it at home. I know he isn't going to like it when they tell me to give him Tylenol an hour before. ugh!

Luke got to have a play day on Saturday with his "little" cousin Quin. Jonathin and I had our first day to ourselves in what seems like months. There was no other place to take it but at the Notre Dame/Stanford game. We got soaked, but it was amazing! We all slept great that night. Luke was pooped from playing, and we were wore out from the rain.

We have an extra fur baby for a couple days this week. My mom went to Florida and my dad is in Indy for work leaving us with Jules. I think she is more active then our 3 dogs, cat, and Luke combined. She also snores worse than Jonathin. 

That is about it around here lately. Not too much to update, and that isn't a bad thing. Oh and GO IRISH!


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