Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today was Luke's 12 month check up with his pediatrician. When we first go into the room, the first thing Luke has done is get weighed. I seem to always dread this moment. It is just something that I don't really want to hear. I see Luke everyday and I don't notice the changes like others do. Some have said he looks so big, however, I think that is his length to these people. Luke weighed in today at 14 pounds 0.5 ounces. If you can remember the past few weigh ins, you would know that Luke has not gained any weight. He might actually have lost some weight. However, his height and his head circumference is growing normally. Most would be happy to never gain weight, but this momma is not happy. It seems to always be a problem since the very first day. our option is a inpatient stay at Riley to work with a feeding specialist team. This was brought up a couple months ago while at a developmental appointment. I didn't think it could happen at that point. Now that we have come to this point I feel some relief. I guess I have worried about his weight from the beginning and I have done everything they have asked. I have tried all suggestions that have been given to me. I am now using pediasure along with his formula just to see if it can help him as we wait for the schedule. So as of now Luke is diagnosed as borderline failure to thrive. I am hoping this will get us some answers, and we don't have to go as far as a g-tube. On a good note, Luke's cold is getting better and it isn't in his lungs. That is one thing to calm my nerves. Hopefully we can just get over the cough soon enough.

So please keep us in your prayers that we can FINALLY have some answers for Luke's lack of weight gain.


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