Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Quick One

I would just like to say...the home health equipment is gone!!! They came and picked everything up yesterday. I think Jonathin was the most excited.  We can now light candles again in the house. That is a big deal to us. 

Also, on Monday we were given the okay to switch formulas. I don't know how well it is going. He is gaining, however he seems to spit up a little more than usual. He still has to take the preemie formula for his cereal, but we get to try something new. We now have a goal to gain an ounce a day. We even went out and got a scale to weigh Luke daily. This goal puts us on the growth chart on Luke's 1st birthday. 

Tomorrow we go back to the audiologist to begin the fitting process for Luke's hearing aids. Wish us luck, because I am not looking forward to this. He doesn't like his head messed with, especially his ears.


I promise to have some pictures next time, sorry I'm slacking.

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