Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sleep Study = Emotional Mommy

Last night I could easily say was one of the longest the past few months. I felt like I was back in the NICU on the night where Luke wouldn't urinate and his blood pressure was so low. I had some pre-warning on what was in store for us, however I thought Luke would handle things a little better. He had been sleeping so well the past few nights...that came to a dead stop last night. We check into the Riley sleep lab at 8pm last night and had 45 minutes of prep time. And by prep time, I mean 15 electrodes all over Luke's head, prongs taped up his nose, oxygen nasal cannula on his face, probes on his chin and near his eyes. Don't forget the 3 electrodes on his chest, 2 elastic straps around his chest, two electrodes on each leg, and last but not least...a pulse oximeter on his foot. To hold on the electrodes they had to coban his entire head. He looked like a football player in a leather helmant. He was upset from the very first electrode being placed on his head and never calmed down. He would scream and arch his back. When he finally would fall asleep, it would last for 45 minutes or so, then back to screaming he would go.   To add to the screaming, I was left in this room in the dark with only Luke's heartbeat beeping on the monitor. Also I could watch Luke's pulse ox numbers. I know never to watch the number, but it was like torture. It seemed like a test for parents just as much as for the babies. We weren't able to finally get some sleep till 4am or so. We had to swaddle and elevate his head. He also did better then too. I am not a doctor or know exactly what they were looking for, but he did let his oxygen drop down to 90 occasionaly. It would happen at the same time as his heartrate would slow. It got to be so much in the beginning I had to leave the room and go down stairs for a bit to call Jonathin. I had a good cry, then returned upstairs. I had to keep telling myself that he was fine, and we just had to get through that one night. The good thing, even though he was dropping his oxygen, the didn't have to put oxygen on him. We will get the results in 7-10 days. I am not leaning towards off oxygen completely, but I am just hoping we won't have to do this test again. If we do, Jonathin will be in the room with him. I have never been so happy for 5am to come and neither was Luke. We got home around 10am this morning and slowly Luke is getting back to his old self. He was ready to eat, because once again he wouldn't eat there. He is lounging around now waiting for IU/Michigan game tonight. Hopefully he stays up for it, so he will sleep tonight. Thank you everyone for the comments and prayers for the past 24 hours. It might seem like just a little test, but it really upset me to see him like that. He wasn't himself either. He was a whole different baby. I hope my little boy is back tonight.


Starting to remove it all.

Who could sleep like this?


  1. Oh my goodness. That looks so uncomfortable! Poor little guy (and mommy!).

  2. I'm so sorry he had to do this. I'm sure it was hard to see him like that. How do they expect anyone to sleep liike that? I hope you all get good results.
